Looking for Palladio in the Unknown City
自透视法诞生于15世纪的佛罗伦萨以来,由意大利建筑师帕拉迪奥(Andrea Palladio)和斯卡莫奇 (Vincenzo Scamozzi) 合作设计的奥林匹克剧场(Teatro Olimpico,1585)首次将一点透视运用到建筑空间中,试图通过舞台上一系列门洞后的楔形空间来阐述剧场中的理想城市。非常建筑的空间装置将这一主题加以拓展,将多种城市空间投射至一组四向延展的透视筒上,试图使每个观察者感受自身在城市环境里迥异、且在时刻变化的空间定位。在我们重构城市空间的过程中,“寻找帕拉迪奥”成为对当今过于扁平化的城市空间的一种反思。
策展人:张宇星 野城 韩晶
"The Unknown City: China Modern Architecture Installation Media Exhibition”, a FCJZ participated event, will officially open on this upcoming Saturday (Mar. 30 2019) at Shenzhen Pingshan Art Museum. Join us for the event and Looking for Palladio!
Teatro Olimpico (1585), a theater designed by Italian architects Andrea Palladio and Vincenzo Scamozzi, marked the first time that one-point-perspective was applied into an architectural space since its invention in the 15th century, where the architects sought to illustrate an ideal city with depth through a series of wedge-shaped spaces attached to the rare side of stage. Atelier FCJZ 's installation developed on this idea by projecting different urban scenarios onto monoculars branched off from a central camera obscura, allowing and encouraging the viewers to track their distinctive yet ever-changing spatial positions in the miniature urban environment. Today as we often embrace overly homogenized urban space, Looking for Palladio has offered an alternative thought on how urban environment could be re-constructed.
Curators: Zhang Yuxing, Ye Cheng, Han Jing
Host: Shenzhen Pingshan District Government
Exhibition Time: 2019.3.30-9.30
Address: Shenzhen Pingshan Art Museum