非常建筑入选 2019 Domus 100+最佳建筑事务所榜单
FCJZ was honoured to be selected in Domus 100+ Best Architecture Firms 2019
近日,意大利建筑与设计杂志Domus在其3月刊中首次发表了对全球建筑事务所的评选榜单,非常建筑工作室荣幸入选其中。这份名为2019年100+ 最佳建筑事务所的榜单总共含括了110家世界最具创造性的建筑事务所,由Domus的十位前任主编与现任主编以匿名形式共同选出。
Domus the Italy based Architecture & Design magazine has recently announced its first guide on architecture firms around the world. Atelier FCJZ was honoured to be selected in the list titled 100+ Best Architecture Firms 2019, which comprises 110 profiles of the world’s most innovative architecture practices. The offices were anonymously selected by the ten past editors-in-chief of Domus alongside with the current one.